Duel with KogyKun

Dec 16 , 2023

Oh, sweeties, as a proud member of Voodoo's seductive discord, let me spill the juicy details. We occasionally engage in these enticing duels, and who should join me in this steamy affair? None other than KogyKun, and let me tell you, we dived into the sultry world of this E.S. Monster mode. It was an absolute blast, a challenge with that tantalizing fur. (This page is for you as artists so my entry isn't here)

Now, let me be the first to say, he absolutely nailed it. The fun was intoxicating, and watching him conquer the challenge was nothing short of mesmerizing. So, here's a sultry salute to his skills and the scorching growth he's flaunting as an artist. Bravo, my darling KogyKun!