What is 3D PrintersGuild?

Join the 3DPrintersGuild Community

At 3DPrintersGuild, we turn your creative ideas into reality! Here’s how our unique model creation process works:

  1. Submit Your Ideas: Propose your concept for a new model.
  2. Vote for Favorites: Support the ideas you love by voting. When an idea receives 20 or more votes, it’s selected for development.
  3. Funding and Creation: Once an idea is chosen, our talented artists design the model. Members who voted for the winning idea can purchase funding receipts to contribute to its creation.
  4. Exclusive Access: The completed model becomes part of a limited collection available only to those who funded it.

This system allows us to create exclusive, one-of-a-kind models based on the community’s creative input.

Join us on Discord at 3DPrintersGuild and be a part of this innovative process. Your idea could be the next unique creation in our collection!