About 3D printers Guild

(link to our discord channel)

The 3D Printers Guild is a community on Discord where members collaborate to create and vote on model ideas. If an idea gets enough votes, it becomes a file that members can print for personal use. Those who voted pay a commission fee for the files. For an extra fee, members can also get permission to sell the printed models. 

How it works

1. Proposals- You can suggest what any character or Oc you would love to get made. you can Choose between a Popular Demand Selection or suggest a Personal Commission.

2. Voting - Voting will only apply to Popular Demand Projects. For Voting, We are using support voting on projects that will be then transferred to commissions or Furry Commissions after sufficient likes are established.

3. [Commission channels] will be made once an artist is found and an estimate is established. This is the point we will start looking for a modeler that will handle the commission, and also, at this point, we will let you know the total price.

4. [Payment Process] Depending the Estimate of the modeler we will put the quote of the offer and start the selection to back/fund project. All projects that are to be commissioned will be given there proper channel which at this point you will be given an opportunity to opt in or out of backing the model. There will be a set date for you to have time to see if you have the funds or not for project.

5. [Funded commissions] All funded commissions will have their proper channels where you can check out any updates or information on the project.